每个图形都有对应的FaceId 属性,如果需要显示所有的命令按钮控件对应的Face图形到单元格中,可以使用如下的代码:
Sub QQ1722187970() Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim oCB As CommandBar Dim oCBC As CommandBarControl Dim oWK As Worksheet Set oWK = ActiveSheet oWK.Cells.Clear Dim arr Dim iCol As Integer arr = VBA.Array("菜单英文名称", "菜单中文名称", "菜单内的控件ID", "菜单内的控件标题", "菜单内的控件FaceID", "菜单内的控件图形") iCol = UBound(arr) + 1 oWK.Range("a1").Resize(1, iCol) = arr i = 2 For Each oCB In Excel.Application.CommandBars '遍历每个菜单栏 With oCB '重置菜单栏 .Reset For Each oCBC In .Controls '遍历每个控件 sCBName = .Name sCBNameLocal = .NameLocal With oCBC '控件id sID = .ID '控件标题 sCBCName = .Caption '控件类型 iType = .Type End With '如果是msoControlButton类型的按钮就有Face图形 If iType = 1 Then iFaceID = oCBC.FaceId With oWK .Cells(i, 1) = sCBName .Cells(i, 2) = sCBNameLocal .Cells(i, 3) = sID .Cells(i, 4) = sCBCName .Cells(i, 5) = iFaceID '把图片复制到剪贴板 oCBC.CopyFace '将图片粘贴到单元格中 .Paste .Cells(i, 6) .OnAction = "'xyf " & .FaceId & "'" i = i + 1 End With End If Next End With Next oWK.Columns.AutoFit Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Sub xyf(ByVal iid As Long)
Dim oCBB As CommandBarButton
Set oCBB = Excel.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=iid)
With oCBB
MsgBox .Caption
MsgBox .FaceId
End With
End Sub