Sub QQ1722187970() Const wdReplaceAll = 2 Dim oRng As Range Dim oRng1 As Range Dim oRngT As Range Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = Word.ActiveDocument Dim oDoc1 As Document sPath = oDoc.Path Set oRng = Word.Selection.Range '先判断是否有选中区域,没有选中则表示整个文档 If oRng.Start = oRng.End Then Set oRng = Word.ActiveDocument.Content End If '获取要执行操作的区域的起点和终点,用于查找替换时判断是否超出了选定区域 iStart = oRng.Start iEnd = oRng.End ' Debug.Print oRng.Text Set oRng1 = oRng With oRng1.Find i = 1 j = 0 .ClearFormatting .MatchWildcards = False .Text = "^m" '每执行一次查找,只要找到了结果,oRng对象会自动变成被找到的内容所在的区域 Do Until .Execute() = False Or oRng1.Start > iEnd Or oRng1.End < iStart Set oDoc1 = Word.Documents.Add k = oRng1.Start Set oRngT = oDoc.Range(j, k) oRngT.Copy oDoc1.Content.Paste j = k + 1 oDoc1.SaveAs2 sPath & "\" & i & ".doc" oDoc1.Close i = i + 1 Loop End With Set oDoc1 = Word.Documents.Add k = oDoc.Content.End Set oRngT = oDoc.Range(j, k) oRngT.Copy oDoc1.Content.Paste oDoc1.SaveAs2 sPath & "\" & i & ".doc" oDoc1.Close End Sub